Yes I have made a couple more cushions! I am preparing for a class making appliqué cushion covers, and wanted to provide a variety of machine appliqué techniques for the students to consider. And, obviously depending on their machine's capability, choose one to suit their ability and machine.
So today I am sharing a sweet birdie cushion that was inspired by a t-shirt I saw someone wearing with birds all sitting on a line. I also have a roll of washi tape with a similar design on it!
I just love this fabric. It was a Tilda fat eighth bundle I bought last year from ebay. Look at all these pretty fabrics! I used the red with white stars to make the reindeer pillow.
I then stitched the line across three times with a straight stitch.
This next pillow was just a bit of fun and I plan to add a few more of these abbreviations to the to do list! Not all machines have a blanket stitch on them. In fact most basic machine will not. But they will have a zigzag stitch that can be adjusted in length and width. So for this pillow I chose to use the zigzag stitch.
You can see the stitches more clearly in the close up below. I was pleasantly surprised with how this one turned out, having had mixed results in the past with zigzag appliqué!
And now for the W.I.P. Well I bought all this yummy fabric before Christmas to make a baby quilt for my friend Lucy.
Again I had been drooling over it for ages and then when it came to buying it I had to source from all over the place again: Australia; Singapore; and America! For those of you who don't know, it's Little Red Riding Hood by Tasha Noel.
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